Changelog Version 2.2.9(23 May, 2022)

What's New

In this update, we have changed the user interface completely based on customers' feedback.

  • Improved user experience with various UI changes and performance optimization.
  • Added an option in the setting to choose where you would like to land your customers, on the default landing page or on the login page, if you do not use the default landing page and create a website using WordPress or anything else choose the login page option.

Bug Fixes

Fixed numerous small bugs and improved overall stability.

Changelog V 2.2.3 ( 9th May, 2022)

What's New

  • Added an option so that users can see for how many days the free trial will last.
  • Added an option so that users can not log in after the free trial expires.
  • Added an option to be able to create a free plan and put the amount to 0 from the super admin portal.
  • Added an option to be able to cancel the subscription by the user.

Bug Fixes

Fixed an issue with the free trial.

Focus SaaS v 2.2.1  (18th April, 2022)

What’s New

  • Added Home Page Text Editor in the Super Admin Panel, to edit the dummy text of the home page, sign in to the super admin panel and go to Frontend->Home page.
  • Added Pricing Page Text Editor in the Super Admin Panel, to edit the dummy text of the pricing  page, sign in to the super admin panel and go to Frontend->Pricing Page.
  • Added Privacy Policy Page along with the Text Editor in the Super Admin Panel,  to edit the dummy text go to Frontend->Privacy Policy Page.
  • Added Contact Page along with the Text Editor so that you can edit the dummy text from the admin panel,  to edit the dummy text of the contact page, sign in to the super admin panel and go to Frontend->Contact Page.
  • Added an option to choose the timezone from the profile section. To change the timezone navigate to the profile and choose the timezone from the dropdowns of the timezone field.
  • Added Chinese Translation, Thanks to lian bing song.
  • Added Email Settings in the super admin portal so that the super admin can set up the email to send welcome emails and use for forgot passwords.