How does the routing works in Business Suite


mirswad k Posted on May 23 2021
mirswad k

Hi guys, please tell me how does the flow of the program works. For example for the following href tag  href="{$_url}client/ipdf/{$d['id']}/token_{$d['vtoken']}/view/"

where is will referring, i am unable to find it folders. for some other urls i can see it inside switch cases.


Sophia S Posted on Jun 2 2021
Hi Mirswad,
You can locate the related view file from the related case. For example- {$_url}client/iview/5/token_0057106132/   

Here-> client.php is the controller file under controllers. go to systems/controllers/client/app.php
now search iview case in that file.

There you will see the mentioned view file for the related case which in this example is client-iview located in ui/theme/default/client-iview.

Hope this helps


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