How to update StartupKit?
Updating StartupKit to the Latest Version
If you are updating from the older version to the latest follow the following steps-
- First, keep a full backup.
- Download the latest version from codecanyon.
- On the downloaded folder, you will find a zip file called
- Replace all files from this folder with your current folder. If you use cpanel, you can directly unzip the in the cpanel.
Updating database:
In most updates we need to add new tables or columns, therefore, you will have to update the database also.
Steps are below
- First, login to your super admin portal.
- Rewrite the url to your super admin url/ update-schema. For example, your url/super-admin/update-schema
- Click enter
Now the database should be updated.
Important Notice: Always keep a backup of previous files and database before you update. It's a good practice.
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